Level Up Your Game – Tekken Tutorials and News –

Level Up Your Game – Street Fighter x Tekken – Heihachi / Kuma

In this episode of Level Up Your Game we cover Heihachi and Kuma in Street Fighter x Tekken. At this early stage Heihachi seems to be a pretty strong character and Kuma who seems like a joke character in this game shows some potential. Congratulations to @DaGreatScott for winning the other Team Tekken shirt we were giving away.

Also, if you’re really interested in learning more about the game Amazon has the BradyGames SFxT guide on sale for almost half off.


134 responses to “Level Up Your Game – Street Fighter x Tekken – Heihachi / Kuma”

  1. DrapersCapers

    I feel like people are really going to sleep on Kuma until someone really exploits him to his full potential.

    Kuma is a dude-bear, right?

  2. Jay R

    This game looks more and more godlike everytime I see it

  3. Yao Zhao

    So Heihachi is top tier?

  4. Burly

    Heihachi gets better wherever he’s at(a la Soul Calibur).

  5. Beerneo

    Heihachi looks so sick and watching Steve use him on the Cross Assault series so amazing.

  6. whitefire

    not long now till this comes out!

  7. Richard Ham

    Heihachi looks very good…maybe upper mid tier?

  8. Marcus

    This game looks so sweet, making me get all sorts of excited

  9. Bee Yee

    hey rip, myk and other dude! haha, keep the good vids flowing. this is usefull day negative gold =D

  10. Joshua Marin


  11. Russell

    wow; Heihachi looks really good. I love how he turns Red when in Pandora mode instead of the typical color changes. Too bad Gouken isn’t in this game. I would main a Heihachi & Goulen dream team.

  12. Hue

    Its been a long time since Heihachi was a good character

  13. Jason PRV

    Cant wait to play this

  14. SICK!! I like heiachi and can’t wait to get his combos down.

  15. jdm5000

    The damage you can get from those two is ridiculous. I am so ready for this game.