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Tekken Tag 2 Confirmed For Wii U

Today at the Nintendo E3 Conference, it was confirmed that Tekken Tag 2 will be coming out on the Wii U. Heihachi + Mushroom = Awesome! Check out the video below:






7 responses to “Tekken Tag 2 Confirmed For Wii U”

  1. Targie

    Tekken Tag Bros Brawl!
    Mario for console exclusive char plz.

  2. Alex Chin

    they should make Mario costume avialable for heihachi >:O cuz of his mustache haha

  3. Alex Chin

    they should make Mario costume avialable for heihachi >:O cuz of his mustache haha

  4. Jonathan Isler

    Hopefully the wii u version won’t be graphically better than the ps3 version.

  5. Jonathan Isler

    Hopefully the wii u version won’t be graphically better than the ps3 version.

  6. abner

    the guy throwing spiny’s from the cloud should be there as well, whoever gets hit is damaged, but gets raged lol

  7. GTS Joe

    Haha, that’s cool!