Tag: Free
Gamespot – In Depth with World Tekken Federation and Online Play
Another great look at the World Tekken Federation feature of Tekken Tag Tournament 2. The more I see it, the more I think it would be a great option for OFFLINE match tracking as well. For commentators at a live event, this would be FANTASTIC for commentators/casters to have access to during a tournament/immediately after […]
World Tekken Federation Will Be Free!
It was announced today that the PREMIUM online service for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 – the World Tekken Federation, will be completely free. The service keeps track of all of your battle history, hits per character, number of wall uses, number of tags, number of dodges, throw rate, throw break rate, number of counterhits, number […]
Classic Noob and Smoke Outfit Gameplay Video
Wow, Smoke hasn’t looked this good in awhile. I think I still like the default outfit for Noob better though. Seeing this makes me want to learn some new moves for Noob now! Release date is coming up really soon, July 5th – and best of all – FREE!