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GOSU Tekken 02-23-11

Hey everyone, ldMaxi is back with more korean Tekken 6 deathmatches. Aris and I do commentary on Part 2 this time around, but things take a turn for the STRANGE around the 21 minute mark. Be sure to check it out if youre interested in Korea’s Green Arcade at all

Part 2 (Commentary by Aris and Rip)
Rain (Mig) VS Jeongdding (Chr) 110211
Hankuma (Leo) VS Rain (Ste) 110211
Ji3moon Ace (Kaz) VS Rain (Ste) 110211

Click through for Parts 1 and 3! Part 1
Ji3moon Ace (Hei) VS Hao (Jin) 110210

Part 3
Fight Spirit (Ste) VS Knee (Kaz) 110212
Nell (Dra) VS Chanel (Ali) 110218
Nell (Dra) VS Chanel (Jul) 110218







3 responses to “GOSU Tekken 02-23-11”

  1. AAK

    I’m amazed at how collected and cool Rip is sounding watching these vids… I would be crapping my pants thinking how I’d have to face all these monsters in a few weeks.

    We’ll be rooting for you my fellow Indian brethren 😉

  2. DrBhup

    “Man, they all look like JDCR.”

  3. Magus920

    lol, “Jeong-Bidding” at the beginning cracked me up.

    But yea, I don’t knew if its me cuz i’m a scrub at using Lars, but I always have a bad match up against Cristie/Eddie. =/ Or is Lars usually an easier matchup against those 2?