Level Up Your Game – Tekken Tutorials and News –

Tag: Lili

  • Morning Bread & Butter – TTT2 – Lili Tutorial – with Kane!

    Morning Bread & Butter – TTT2 – Lili Tutorial – with Kane!

    Finally! I got Kane on the show to cover Lili for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (and we also throw in some Tekken Revolution tidbits in when necessary). This is a pretty long episode, so sorry for that, but at the end of it Kane does go over some cool okizeme options that even veteran TTT2 […]

  • Tekken Tag 2 – Sexy Girl Combos by Kane

    Oh me oh my.. Kane has been very very busy making some Sexy Girl Combos for Tekken Tag 2! Check out this awesome combo compilation featuring his favorite girly characters in their bikinis and skirts.

  • Lili Skirt Customization – Tekken Tag 2 DLC Preview

    Lili Skirt Customization – Tekken Tag 2 DLC Preview

    Namco’s official youtube channel has put up a preview video showcasing Lili’s new DLC skirt (at least I THINK its pre-order DLC? Part of the bikini bundle possibly?). The skirt item has some impressive cloth physics – basically, it moves around real pretty.

  • Street Fighter x Tekken – Introducing Asuka Kazama (and Lili)

    Street Fighter x Tekken – Introducing Asuka Kazama (and Lili)

    Its been awhile since we’ve seen a Street Fighter x Tekken reveal, but Capcom is back with another CGI trailer. This time around they introduce Asuka – and Lili’s there as well. Chun Li / Cammy vs Lili / Asuka – Capcom knows how to slowly tease their fan base. Now reveal Law / Paul!!! […]

  • More Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Combos From DeepTheater

    More Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Combos From DeepTheater

    DeepTheater is back with more awesome Tekken Tag Tournament 2 combos. This time around he uses Hwoarang’s unblockable as a filler. Interesting thing is that it hits in the middle of Nina doing the ender already. Plus with the wall the combo does like 75-80% so thats pretty good too

  • DeepTheater Is Back With More Tekken Tag 2 Combo Madness

    DeepTheater Is Back With More Tekken Tag 2 Combo Madness

    DeepTheater is back showing off some interesting sandwich combo scenarios. I’m not really sure what he means by “the direction to fly over depends on which character you can operate” but things look pretty crazy anyway. Raven really needs to be patched..

  • Tekken 6 – Just Frame Natural Combos

    Tekken 6 – Just Frame Natural Combos

    CONTEST CLOSED! Winner will be notified by email! Aside from the typical just frame moves in the game, there are apparently other just frame combos. Kane has just posted a video showing Lili connecting her b+2,1 into backturned 1,2. From his testing it seems that it only works on a limited amount of characters. More […]