For those of you that are unaware, the full roster for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 has just been leaked online! Although there are rumors that this list is not confirmed, here’s what we have so far…
Strider Hiryu
Phoenix Wright
Frank West
Ghost Rider
Dr Strange
Iron Fist
Rocket Raccoon
Notable areas:
– Entire HUD has been reworked
– You can now X-Factor in midair
– The giant “X” next to the timer indicates whether X-Factor is available
– The intensity of the X-Factor flashing indicates what level X-Factor will be available
So far, Ghost Rider, Strider, and Firebrand are looking really good! Now I’m curious to see if there are going to be any balance changes. UMvC3 is due this November for $40.
2 responses to “Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Roster Leaked!”
While I like the big X that reminds me that I already used the x factor, I definitely dont like the way the life bars look. Too cartoony.
4/6 of Capcom’s choices are AWESOME! Frank West and Firebrand are meh.
All of Marvel choices are lame. Never even heard of any of them except Ghost Rider.
But I refuse to buy this until they add in Jill & Shuma with the package.