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Tekken Tag 2 – New Stage Screenshots – Brazil

Here are the first new screenshots of the new stage from Tekken Tag Tournament 2. FilthieRich mentioned on Twitter a couple of days ago that there was a new Brazil stage coming and here’s our first look. I included the Fighting Lab stage screenshot as well for fun






12 responses to “Tekken Tag 2 – New Stage Screenshots – Brazil”

  1. Firat Celebi

    I hope the anti aliasing isn’t bad as it looks.

    1. Rip

      Yeah, its particularly noticable in the Fight Lab screenshot. Console is obviously doesnt look as good as arcade, but they said it was only 10% done when they showed it at GGD so there is still a chance it will improve

    2. Matthias

      Of course it looks bad it’s a low-res screen capture. Even Arcade TTT2 has bad screenshots, but obviously in person it looks amazing.

  2. calvin

    So will there be different stages from the arcade version or they just adding two new stages

  3. MatrixMatt

    it’s like T4 jungle stage and T5DR waterfall stage put together

  4. GTS Joe

    I was excited for the Brazil stage, but then I said, “Booo! It looks like the Mystical Forest from TK6.” Then I saw the waterfall and my opinion improved. However, I still like the TTT1 Brazil stage more (the beach).

    As for the Training Lab stage, the jaggies are so bad it makes it look like a PS1 stage. 🙁

  5. chemicalRed

    Looks nice.

  6. Focus Attack

    looks absolutely horrible very uninspired and far too much aliasing

  7. nickA

    I shed a tear every time I think about how I’ll probably never get to see the arcade version.

    Maybe another version for the Orbis and Durango someday? hmm….

  8. Alex Chin

    Must Be Eddy’s HQ lol

  9. Daryl Maxwell


  10. Martin Christopher Tan

    Blanka called. He wanted his forest back.