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Tekken Tag 2 – New Japan Trailer Shows Customizations, New CGI, New Stage, and More?

Check out this new trailer for Tekken Tag 2 that shows off a BUNCH of new stuff! September can’t come soon enough. Customizations, game modes, online mode info, what looks like a new stage and more more more! Brain explooode

src: SRK





7 responses to “Tekken Tag 2 – New Japan Trailer Shows Customizations, New CGI, New Stage, and More?”

  1. LevelUpYourGame
  2. Nick Navas

    DR B???@??@?@@?@??@@?@?@??@?? biblethump

  3. Marko Luković

    To cite Rip: Brain explooooooode

  4. DanielDOA4

    @reepal @levelupyourgame cool beanz. i played as kuni n angel etc thurs (uk) even performed Nina+Anna’s qcf+Lp+rp tag move (ps3)

  5. DanielDOA4

    @reepal @LevelUpYourGame nina vs kunimitsu cgi! I mustve been psychic! Earlier made scv customs. http://t.co/FTB1I7kz

    1. LevelUpYourGame

      @DanielDOA4 hehe awesome

  6. Targie

    This game is looking nuts.
    Forrest and Miharu are basically confirmed at this point. Even freaking Shin Kamiya is in (Though only as an Alt. Costume).
    They’re gonna run out of characters to add and have to add in old modes instead. Let’s go Tekken Ball!
    It’s good that they’re going all out for the casual fans, gotta get them sales, hopefully Fight Lab is good enough to push a bunch of ’em into the competitive scene. September can’t come quick enough.