Level Up Your Game – Tekken Tutorials and News –

Morning Bread & Butter – TTT2 – Yoshimitsu – ft @JstFrameJames

This TTT2 Yoshimitsu tutorial with JustFrameJames was a long time coming – and its HUGE, clocking in at 4.5 hours! If you ever wanted to know just about every nook and cranny about Yoshimitsu, as well as some usable glitches, now you have it! Part 1 is Punishers, Part 2 is Key Moves, and Part 3 is Stances, Combos, and Anti Yoshimitsu. Each part is about an hour and a half, so check out whatever you’re looking for. ALL parts have tons of depth though, so while we usually don’t go into depth on the punishers, this time we did. FYI – I don’t plan to do tutorials this long ever again, but post up and let me know which character you want to see covered next. As always, please SUBSCRIBE to the LEVELUPYOURGAME youtube/twitch channels!





8 responses to “Morning Bread & Butter – TTT2 – Yoshimitsu – ft @JstFrameJames”

  1. Sony Wijaya


  2. Jordan Hudson


  3. Fitra Gautama

    4 hour to the next level.. Xiaoyu next please.. With lingmassacre as a special guest..

  4. MalekNaili

    nice tuto Just Frame James , great one !!! big thanks from tunisia !!!

  5. Travis Duggins

    Thank you! So many things i didnt know!

  6. VikasNigam

    amazing.. so badly wanted to get back to yoshi since I didn’t played him after tekken 3..

  7. VikasNigam

    Guys pls do King.. he’s my main but I might find something useful from here.. 🙂

  8. reepal

    VikasNigam We did King with Kayyal forever ago. Subscribe to the LevelUpYourGame youtube channel 😛 Its in the TTT2 character tutorials