Tag: character
Kazumi Revealed As a Playable Character for TEKKEN 7
The trailer is now up for Kazumi for Tekken 7! Looks like she will in fact be playable! Check out the trailer below! TIGER UPPERCUT!
Tekken 7 – Arab Character Concept – Impressions
Over on the TEKKEN Facebook page, Harada posted up some concept art of a proposed Arab character for Tekken 7. In the post he describes that this is NOT confirmed as a character yet and is only a design at this point. He is looking for feedback on the design so that they can decide […]
Injustice: Doomsday Revealed!
With Gamestop’s promo, fans were able to reveal a screenshot of Doomsday being a playable character for Injustice. Apparently Injustice is still going to unravel more characters before its release date, which is April 15th 2013. How to unlock these hidden characters still remains a mystery. Honestly I thought Doomsday seems like a boss character […]