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Scarlett Johansson Cell Phone Pics < TTT2 Final Boss Pic

You may disagree with the title, however, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is officially out in Japanese arcades today. People are playing and there is a lot of information coming in. Word on the street is that Jun transforms into Unknown and that Ogre is the mid-boss! Namco has also put up move lists for every character over on Tekken-Official. Check it out and click through to see the image larger.





10 responses to “Scarlett Johansson Cell Phone Pics < TTT2 Final Boss Pic”

  1. Islaw

    Where is the wolf on her back?

  2. uchiha

    The wolf disappeared because it was defeated in unknown’s tekken tag ending movie. .jun transforms into unknown after you beat her. .hhmmmm i think “Dark Jun” would be a nice name ‘coz tekken has already many devil characters. .what do you think guys?

  3. AAK

    I agree with the title 😉

  4. Nocturnal Ocelot


  5. Martin Ryan Cruz

    I think Dark Jun could work.

  6. MagusFyre

    I also agree with Dark Jun.

    I hate how the player of the first vid skipped her transformation and seemed like he cut halfway though the ending. Not to mention how much he beat her so hard that we didn’t get to see any moves at all.

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  8. abner

    why are the other tag teammates like colored different?

    1. Rip

      The game has water / dirt effects. On this stage with Unknown it looks like instead of water, there is oil on the floor so the characters are getting covered in oil I think.

  9. […] we know, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 was released in arcades a couple of days ago. Now that the public has had it, videos are starting to trickle in. Not a whole bunch yet, but […]