EuroGamer has just revealed the Tekken Tag 2 European Release date along with more info on the DLC characters. The game will be released in Europe on September 14th, 2012! Tekken Facebook page says that the game will release worldwide on the week of September 10th. So for the USA, with our Tuesday releases we’re looking at September 11th (as confirmed by Gamestop). The DLC characters will be pre-order bonuses from different stores. With Harada mentioning that he won’t be doing paid DLC, it stands to reason that the characters will be time-released DLC for everyone or have some other way of unlocking them within the game. That metal case version for GAME buyers looks awesome as well! Also, in the image below a Remix Sound Track is clearly marked so it looks like there will be new music as well! And Behind the Scenes stuff too!? Too good!
Credit: AAK from TZ

Tekken Tag 2 – Worldwide Console Release Date, Pre-Order DLC Exclusives, Remix Soundtrack
9 responses to “Tekken Tag 2 – Worldwide Console Release Date, Pre-Order DLC Exclusives, Remix Soundtrack”
I called it.
Kinda lame that this is expected to be on a store by store basis but we usually manage to avoid that in the UK, so… good for me 😀
I’m scared I’m going to have to buy the game from 3 different places to get all the DLC characters on day 1 🙁
Confirmed worldwide release of September 10th. Looks like it IS September 11th for USA. Updated original post
Damn girl 😉
Damn girl 😉
art book + metal case = WANT
hello Rip I had fun watching the t6 stream, hopefully you can do it more often. So about Forest law rumor….how true is it? hopefully they will have him in console..that would be awesome. Keep up the good work and stream more t6 thanks
Thumbs up !!!
so how do u get this package? only through pre-ordering at a store? coz I have pre-ordered the game online already like a month ago.. but Im a HUGE fan of Tekken and soo hyped for Tag2 so I wouldn’t mind pre-ordering another copy for this bonus stuff XD!