The estars*Seoul 2012 Tournament for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 has concluded and Knee has come out the victor beating out Holeman in the grand finals. This single elimination tournament brought players from around the world together to compete in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Unlimited. NYC Fab was voted in to compete for the USA, but unfortunately the tournament was run on stick (and all the players on the voting list were pad players?!). Hopefully next time estars considers this obvious oversight and makes accommodations for pad players or only puts players who can play on stick in the voting process. Check out more match vids after the jump:
2 responses to “estars*Seoul 2012 – Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Results and Vids”
fab got destroyed
Yea, list of pad players voted on to go to a stick tournament in a game that they haven’t had access to. Not unexpected really.