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Street Fighter x Tekken – New Character Reveals + Gameplay!

As promised, Capcom has revealed a bunch of new characters for Street Fighter x Tekken! I LOVE these CGI trailers. And I also love how people keep getting their faces stepped on! As for the 2 surprises that were promised, it may be the very end of the gameplay trailers (looks like Pacman and Megaman for PS Vita). The game is only and things are looking up. Look forward to more reveals leading up to its release. Screenshots after the jump

Jin, Bison, Ling, Paul, Law, Vega, Asuka, Balrog, Juri! Ling and Bison were leaked in a screenshot a couple weeks ago, but here are more screenshots.





6 responses to “Street Fighter x Tekken – New Character Reveals + Gameplay!”

  1. AAK

    You gotta hand it to Capcom’s CGI Marketing trailer team. They knocked everyone out with the SFIV charcoal reveals, then did the SSFIV pencil styled trailers, followed by the MvC 4 episodes, and now with the hype watercolor SFxT trailer

    Hearing Bison say, “They let a whelp like you head the Mishima Zaibatsu?” was surreal, like a ‘shit just got real’ quote. But damn @ Xiaoyu’s uselessness.

    Wish there was more footage of the gameplay. All I can tell is that Paul has his qcf+1 for a generic launcher and the burning fist as the super.

    1. KenG

      Capcom should make Tekkens movies

  2. Newnyez

    So they showed Jin and Devil Jin, but which one is going to be in the game? Both?

    1. Rip

      No clue. Should be a reveal soon though

  3. Joaquin Rivas Ferreras

    my body was not ready