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TTT2 Updated v1.02! Slim Bob, Sebastian, Miharu Released + 4 New Stages and MORE

The new 1.02 patch for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is live and has a TON of new features. While we all expected the FREE new TTT2 DLC characters and stages, they have ALSO patched out some of the issues with the initial release (A.Ogre infinite/Kunimitsu ducking mids) plus added more features to the entire game (World Arena and Tekken Theater!) GET ONLINE and DOWNLOAD IT NOW FOR FREE!

New features:
-Sebastian, Slim Bob, Miharu released!
-4 New Stages! Saudi Arabia, Chile, Russia, and Poland!!
-WORLD ARENA inside Online Mode
-Equip/Customize decal in the customize mode
-Tekken Theater added to Gallery Mode – allows you to download openings/endings from Tekken 1,2,3, and TTT1!
-Access to PSN Store from Menu
-PS3 Customization load times decreased!
-Kunimitsu ducking mids patched out
-Ancient Ogre wall infinite patched out





19 responses to “TTT2 Updated v1.02! Slim Bob, Sebastian, Miharu Released + 4 New Stages and MORE”

  1. DocModi

    @reepal @LevelUpYourGame is it available only on PSN right now or XBL too?

    1. reepal

      @DocModi @LevelUpYourGame havent turned on my 360 in forever, will be out by tomorrow for sure

  2. Brock780

    @reepal @LevelUpYourGame I need the god damn preorder characters still.

    1. reepal

      @Brock780 @LevelUpYourGame theyre coming, for free, later – thats why everyone should have pre-ordered. No excuse for USA

  3. korly

    @reepal but when is the 360 update coming?

  4. Yolmfaoitsvince

    @reepal @levelupyourgame are we getting the pre order stuff as well? cause i heard that everything, even the preorders stuff will be free

    1. reepal

      @Yolmfaoitsvince @LevelUpYourGame they will be free. Doubt that they came out already though. They will be free later



  6. ArisintheWonderland

    tekken arena is so sick man!!! its like ONLINE GPRS? lol

  7. Brock780

    @reepal @LevelUpYourGame i got ttt2 for psn and xbox…i dont deserve a dlc code for buying them at walmart at 12 am? my gamestop was closed

    1. LevelUpYourGame

      @Brock780 thats not how the preorders worked obv. They marketed importance of preorders for months

  8. abner

    did they fix the save game corruption from combot tuning with DLC character moves?

  9. loc

    does someone share his codes for angel, ogre, kinimitsu for european dlc please? i just bought the game on releasedate.. :(( (exe2a@yahoo.de) please help me :((

  10. XtianHawk

    Awesome! So pumped up to try the new characters! 😀

  11. updog

    What about aking resets?

  12. Mohamed Kies

    I though old endings were unlockables, but why they cost ~2€/$ each pack ? They’re insane !

  13. Martin Mielnik

    where is Violet & Unkown???

  14. Andre Faelnar

    when you run the game, you think that the update patch confirmation would pop up before starting the game?

  15. Andre Faelnar

    cant wait for the next update with unknown, dr. b & violet. i wonder when will the next batch of dlc will release?